Pix Politics: Nuclear Power, Past or Future? | ATOMIC HOPE
Nuclear power is complex. Nuclear energy has emerged as a crucial topic in public discourse. We are aware of the significant need for energy and stable power sources. Some countries are shutting down their nuclear power plants, while others are reopening them. What should we do in Norway? Energy challenges and solutions will impact many residents in municipalities and counties in the years to come. Ahead of this fall's elections, Oslo Pix Politics is hosting the debate: yes or no to nuclear power?
About the film:
While numerous climate activists refer to the enormous consequences of Chernobyl and the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are several environmental advocates who are convinced that nuclear power is undoubtedly the solution. Through a series of interviews throughout ATOMIC HOPE, we encounter several of these convinced individuals on the pro side. One meeting, in particular, with a Japanese researcher who lost several family members in the Nagasaki tragedy, is very poignant. After watching Atomic Hope, one might very well leave the cinema with a bit more belief that these advocates indeed have a point and hold one of the solutions to the climate crisis.
We invite experts in the field to provide information and youth politicians to discuss this critical topic.
- Stig Arild Pettersen, journalist and political commentator.
Practical information
- The screening will take place at Ringen 1 at 18.00 on Wednesday, 30.08.
- The film will start precisely at 18.00. After the screening, there will be a panel discussion.
- The program will last for 45 minutes.
If you are under 30 years old, you can purchase a student ticket without showing a student ID. However, remember to bring identification.
Pix Politics
Cinema is an excellent medium for conveying insights and knowledge about complex societal issues. With film as its foundation, Pix Politics aims to be a window into the world around us, providing increased awareness and reflection about our society, while inspiring engagement and action. The moderator for the section is journalist and political commentator, Stig Arild Pettersen.